We are all connected, joined together. Shoulder to shoulder heart to heart. This is a picture of how the Father sees us. In the last days the earthly of reality of this will be seen. Marriage is an example of being one flesh join together—one body. There is a blessing in our togetherness. We are not only joined with our brothers and sisters on earth but also in heaven.

John 11:51 Now he did not say this simply of his own accord [he was not self-moved]; but being the high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was to die for the nation,  

52 And not only for the nation but also for the purpose of uniting into one body the children of God who have been scattered far and wide. AMP


JN 11:51 This he said without realizing that in the office of the High Priest he was prophesying Jesus’ sacrificial death as the scapegoat of the entire nation.

52 And this was not for Israel only but in Jesus laying down his life as the true shepherd of mankind, he would lead together into one family all the children of God from wherever they have been scattered.  MIRROR

Rom 12:5 The body we’re talking about is Christ’s body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn’t amount to much, would we? So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body,

6 let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t. If you preach, just preach God’s Message, nothing else;  MSG

1 Cor 10:17 Because there is one loaf, our many-ness becomes one-ness — Christ doesn’t become fragmented in us. Rather, we become unified in him. We don’t reduce Christ to what we are; he raises us to what he is. MSG

1 Cor 12:12  You can easily enough see how this kind of thing works by looking no further than your own body. Your body has many parts — limbs, organs, cells — but no matter how many parts you can name, you’re still one body. It’s exactly the same with Christ.

13 By means of his one Spirit, we all said good-bye to our partial and piecemeal lives. We each used to independently call our own shots, but then we entered into a large and integrated life in which he has the final say in everything. (This is what we proclaimed in word and action when we were baptized.) Each of us is now a part of his resurrection body, refreshed and sustained at one fountain — his Spirit — where we all come to drink. The old labels we once used to identify ourselves — labels like Jew or Greek, slave or free — are no longer useful. We need something larger, more comprehensive.

14 I want you to think about how all this makes you more significant, not less. A body isn’t just a single part blown up into something huge. It’s all the different-but-similar parts arranged and functioning together.  MSG

EPH 2:13 But now, wow! Everything has changed; you have discovered yourselves to be located in Christ. What once seemed so distant is now so near; his blood reveals your redeemed innocence and authentic genesis.

14 It is in him that we are one and at peace with everyone; he dissolved every definition of division.  MIRROR

EPH 4:4 There is only one body and one Spirit. We are inseparably one, in the same hope; there is no plan B. We bear the same surname.  

5 There is only one legitimate Lordship; one faith and one baptism; we are all immersed in the same oneness!  

6 There is only one God. He remains the ultimate Father of the universe. We are because he is. He is present in all; he is above all, through all, and in all.  

7 The gift of Christ measures the extravagant dimensions of grace; where everyone is equally advantaged.  

8 Scripture confirms that he arrested every possible threat that held mankind hostage! [“he took captivity captive”] And in his resurrection, he led us as trophies in his triumphant procession on high. Consider the genius of God, in the incarnate Christ, he repossessed what belonged to us by design, in human form; this is his grace-gift to us! MIRROR


Eph 4:4 You were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together, both outwardly and inwardly.

5 You have one Master, one faith, one baptism,

6 one God and Father of all, who rules over all, works through all, and is present in all. Everything you are and think and do is permeated with Oneness.

7 But that doesn’t mean you should all look and speak and act the same. Out of the generosity of Christ, each of us is given his own gift.

8 The text for this is, He climbed the high mountain, He captured the enemy and seized the booty, He handed it all out in gifts to the people. MSG

Eph 4:25 What this adds up to, then, is this: no more lies, no more pretense. Tell your neighbor the truth. In Christ’s body we’re all connected to each other, after all. When you lie to others, you end up lying to yourself. MSG

1 Peter 3:8 Summing up: Be agreeable, be sympathetic, be loving, be compassionate, be humble.

9 That goes for all of you, no exceptions. No retaliation. No sharp-tongued sarcasm. Instead, bless — that’s your job, to bless. You’ll be a blessing and also get a blessing. MSG

PHIL 2:2 Your Christ mindedness completes my delight! You co-echo the same agape; we are soul mates, resonating the same thoughts.

3 No hidden agenda with a compromised mixture of leaven or empty philosophical flattery can match a mind that genuinely values others above oneself.

4 To discover your own completeness in Christ frees you to turn your attention away from yourself to others!

5 The way Jesus saw himself is the only valid way to see yourself!

COL 3:15 Appoint the peace of Christ as umpire in your hearts. We are all identified in the same person; there is only one body. We are born to be a blessing and exhibit his benevolence.

16 Give the clarity of God’s conversation in Christ permanent residence in you; allow it’s magnificence to permeate your entire being. Celebrate God. From this rich reservoir of the heart, continue to instruct one another with inspired thoughts; making music with stringed instruments and spirit infused songs that articulate the nuances of grace.

17  Your every conversation and the detail of your daily conduct reflect him; his name and Lordship define your lives and inspire your deep gratitude to God the Father for his grace.  MIRROR

Matthew 19:5 and ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and live with his wife. And the two will become one flesh.’

6From then on, they are no longer two, but united as one. So what God unites let no one divide!”   TPT

Eph 2:21 In Him the whole structure is joined (bound, welded) together harmoniously, and it continues to rise (grow, increase) into a holy temple in the Lord [a sanctuary dedicated, consecrated, and sacred to the presence of the Lord].

22 In Him [and in fellowship with one another] you yourselves also are being built up [into this structure] with the rest, to form a fixed abode (dwelling place) of God in (by, through) the Spirit. AMP

Col 2:5 For though I am away from you in body, yet I am with you in spirit, delighted at the sight of your [standing shoulder to shoulder in such] orderly array and the firmness and the solid front and steadfastness of your faith in Christ [that leaning of the entire human personality on Him in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness].  AMP

Ps 47:9 The princes and nobles of the peoples are gathered together, a [united] people for the God of Abraham, for the shields of the earth belong to God; He is highly exalted. AMP

PS 133:1How truly wonderful and delightful it is to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity!

2 It’s as precious as the sacred scented oil flowing from the head of the high priest Aaron, dripping down upon his beard and running all the way down to the hem of his priestly robes.

3This harmony can be compared to the dew dripping from Mount Hermon, which flows down upon the hills of Zion. Indeed, that is where Yahweh has decreed his blessings will be found, the promise of life forevermore! TPT

Eccl 4:8 a solitary person, completely alone — no children, no family, no friends — yet working obsessively late into the night, compulsively greedy for more and more, never bothering to ask, “Why am I working like a dog, never having any fun? And who cares?” More smoke. A bad business.

9 It’s better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth.

10 And if one falls down, the other helps, But if there’s no one to help, tough!

11 Two in a bed warm each other. Alone, you shiver all night.

12 By yourself you’re unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst.

Can you round up a third? A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped. MSG

Matthew 18:19 Again, I give you an eternal truth: If two of you agree to ask God for something in a symphony of prayer, my heavenly Father will do it for you.

20For wherever two or three come together in honor of my name, I am right there with them!”  TPT

Acts 2:44 And all who believed (who adhered to and trusted in and relied on Jesus Christ) were united and [together] they had everything in common;  AMP

Hebrews 12:1 As for us, we have all of these great witnesses who encircle us like clouds. So we must let go of every wound that has pierced us and the sin we so easily fall into. Then we will be able to run life’s marathon race with passion and determination, for the path has been already marked out before us.  TPT

Hebrews 12:22 By contrast, we have already come near to God in a totally different realm, the Zion-realm, for we have entered the city of the Living God, which is the New Jerusalem in heaven! We have joined the festal gathering of myriads of angels in their joyous celebration!

23And as members of the church of the Firstborn all our names have been legally registered as citizens of heaven! And we have come before God who judges all, and who lives among the spirits of the righteous who have been made perfect in his eyes!

24And we have come to Jesus who established a new covenant with his blood sprinkled upon the mercy seat; blood that continues to speak from heaven, “forgiveness,” a better message than Abel’s blood that cries from the earth, “justice.”  TPT


HEB 12:22 By contrast, we have been welcomed to an invisible mount Zion; the city of peace (Jerusalem), the residence of the living God, the festive assembly of an innumerable celestial host!

23 We are participating in a mass joint-celebration of heavenly and earthly beings; the 1Ekklesia-church of the firstborn mirror-inscribed in the heavenlies.  

24 Jesus is the spokesman and arbitrator of the New Testament order. His blood signature sanctions mankind’s innocence. This is a complete new language that communicates better things, in that it is the very substance of what was spoken in the shadow-type message of the blood sacrifice that Abel brought.  MIRROR

Rom 15:6 Then we’ll be a choir — not our voices only, but our very lives singing in harmony in a stunning anthem to the God and Father of our Master Jesus!

7 So reach out and welcome one another to God’s glory. Jesus did it; now you do it!  MSG

Rom 15:6 That together you may [unanimously] with united hearts and one voice, praise and glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).

7 Welcome and receive [to your hearts] one another, then, even as Christ has welcomed and received you, for the glory of God.  AMP

1 Cor 12:27 You are Christ’s body — that’s who you are! You must never forget this. Only as you accept your part of that body does your “part” mean anything. MSG

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