What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit? 1-7-24 VIDEO HS HEIDI 2

Jesus, last few words to his disciples before he went into heaven were, “wait till you received power from on high“. Be completely filled with the Holy Spirit is what is needed to demonstrate the kingdom of God. This power was to be a visible manifestation of their lives for all to see. I believe we will see the manifestation of the Holy Spirit coming upon people like we see in the Bible. We have hardly touched the surface of what being filled with the Holy Spirit means. He’s not like a water faucet that you turn off. There is an importance of honoring the Holy Spirit.   He is the spirit of truth to deny him as God would be blasphemy. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is refusing to believe what he says. Holy Spirit tells us what to say when we need to say it.  Peter denied Jesus three times but when he’s filled with the Holy Spirit, he became a different man.

Luke 24:49  What comes next is very important: I am sending what my Father promised to you, so stay here in the city until he arrives, until you’re equipped with power from on high.”  MSG


Luke 24:49 And behold, I will send forth upon you what My Father has promised; but remain in the city [Jerusalem] until you are clothed with power from on high.  AMP


ROM 8:9 But you are not ruled by a flesh-consciousness, (law of works), but by a spirit-consciousness [faith], God’s Spirit is at home in you. Anyone who does not see themselves fully clothed and identified in the Spirit of Christ, cannot be themselves.  MIRROR

ROM 8:4 So now every righteous requirement of the law can be fulfilled through the Anointed One living his life in us. And we are free to live, not according to our flesh, but by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit!

Those who are motivated by the flesh only pursue what benefits themselves. But those who live by the impulses of the Holy Spirit are motivated to pursue spiritual realities.

6 For the sense and reason of the flesh is death, but the mind-set controlled by the Spirit finds life and peace.TPT

GAL 5:18 Let me emphasize this: As you yield to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit, you will abandon the cravings of your self-life.   TPT

JOHN 14:26 The Holy Spirit is about to become your close companion, sent by my Father in my name to represent me, to teach you all things and remind you of everything that I have spoken to you. Thus my word will continue to find a voice in you.  MIRROR

Luke 1:41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby in her womb leaped. She was filled with the Holy Spirit,

42 and sang out exuberantly, You’re so blessed among women, and the babe in your womb, also blessed!   MSG

LUKE 3:22 And here, in this open, heavenly dimension, the Holy Spirit alighted upon Jesus in a visible form – like a dove – and the Father’s voice was clearly heard! My Son, you are my beloved one. In you rests my most glorious delight!  MIRROR

LUKE 4:1 And Jesus, fully infused and prompted by Holy Spirit, intentionally turns back, away from the river Jordan into the wilderness and embarks on a forty day fast in order to victoriously face the same diabolic scrutiny that snared humanity in Adam and Eve, and later dramatically displayed in Israel’s forty year detour in the wilderness of their unbelief.  MIRROR

Luke 11:13 If imperfect parents know how to lovingly take care of their children and give them what they need, how much more will the perfect heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit’s fullness when his children ask him.”

14One day a crowd gathered around Jesus, and among them was a man who was mute. Jesus drove out of the man the spirit that made him unable to speak. When the demon left him, the mute man’s tongue was loosed and immediately he was able to speak. The stunned crowd saw it all and marveled in amazement over this miracle!  TPT

LUKE 12:10 To err in one’s conclusion concerning the son of man is not the end of the road; they too will be restored to their true “I am-ness”!  However, to reach a blasphemous conclusion concerning the Holy Spirit is stalemate! If the Holy Spirit is taken out of the equation who can possibly bring someone to discover the truth about themselves in this age?  MIRROR

LUKE 12:11 When you’re dragged into the synagogues to appear before their leaders and judges do not bother yourselves to anxiously try and figure out what to say and how to defend yourselves!

12 Holy Spirit will always be your timely teacher so you may know exactly how to respond.  MIRROR

JOHN 20:22 Having said this he 1breathed an effusion of Spirit upon them and Acts 4:8 With that, Peter, full of the Holy Spirit, let loose: “Rulers and leaders of the people,

9 if we have been brought to trial today for helping a sick man, put under investigation regarding this healing,

10 I’ll be completely frank with you — we have nothing to hide. By the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the One you killed on a cross, the One God raised from the dead, by means of his name this man stands before you healthy and whole.

11 Jesus is ‘the stone you masons threw out, which is now the cornerstone.’

12 Salvation comes no other way; no other name has been or will be given to us by which we can be saved, only this one.”  MSG

 23 “If you forgive someone’s sins, they are gone and forgotten. If you don’t 2let go, then you are stuck with them.”  MIRROR


John 20:22 Then, taking a deep breath, he blew on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.

23I send you to preach the forgiveness of sins—and people’s sins will be forgiven. But if you don’t proclaim the forgiveness of their sins, they will remain guilty.”  TPT

Acts 2:29 “Dear friends, let me be completely frank with you. Our ancestor David is dead and buried — his tomb is in plain sight today.

30 But being also a prophet and knowing that God had solemnly sworn that a descendant of his would rule his kingdom,

31 seeing far ahead, he talked of the resurrection of the Messiah — ‘no trip to Hades, no stench of death.’

32 This Jesus, God raised up. And every one of us here is a witness to it.

33 Then, raised to the heights at the right hand of God and receiving the promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father, he poured out the Spirit he had just received. That is what you see and hear. MSG

Acts 2:38 Peter said, “Change your life. Turn to God and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, so your sins are forgiven. Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

39 The promise is targeted to you and your children, but also to all who are far away — whomever, in fact, our Master God invites.”

40 He went on in this vein for a long time, urging them over and over, “Get out while you can; get out of this sick and stupid culture!”

41 That day about three thousand took him at his word, were baptized and were signed up.   MSG

 Acts 9:31 So the church throughout the whole of Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was edified [growing in wisdom, virtue, and piety] and walking in the respect and reverential fear of the Lord and in the consolation and exhortation of the Holy Spirit, continued to increase and was multiplied. AMP


Acts 9:31 Things calmed down after that and the church had smooth sailing for a while. All over the country — Judea, Samaria, Galilee — the church grew. They were permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God. The Holy Spirit was with them, strengthening them. They prospered wonderfully. MSG

Acts 10:38 How God anointed and consecrated Jesus of Nazareth with the [Holy] Spirit and with strength and ability and power; how He went about doing good and, in particular, curing all who were harassed and oppressed by [the power of] the devil, for God was with Him.  AMP

Acts 11:15  “So I started in, talking. Before I’d spoken half a dozen sentences, the Holy Spirit fell on them just as he did on us the first time.

16 I remembered Jesus’ words: ‘John baptized with water; you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’ MSG

Acts 2:4 And everyone was infused and permeated in Holy Spirit and spontaneously began to speak in a language they have never learned before. They uttered the exact words the Spirit prompted within them. TPT

Acts 7:55 However, Stephen ‘found his being fully permeated in Holy Spirit, engaging his full attention in the heavenly dimension; where he saw the majestic glory of God, with Jesus “having taken his permanent stand as the executive authority of the right hand of God. TPT

Acts 9:17 So, Ananias went, found the house and the blind man. He promptly laid his hands on him and said, Saul, Brother, The Lord Jesus who appeared to you on your way here, sent me, in order that you may look up and be permeated in Holy Spirit.  

Acts 11:24 Benevolent Barnabas, a man beaming goodness, permeated with Holy Spirit and faith, impacted large crowds to be glued to the Lord. TPT

1 COR 2:4 The message I preached and how I preached it was not an attempt to sway you with persuasive arguments but to prove to you the almighty power of God’s Holy Spirit.   TPT

ROM 5:5 This kind of hope does not disappoint; the gift of the Holy Spirit completes our every expectation and ignites the love of God within us like an artesian well.   

Rom 8:26 Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans.

27 He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. MSG


Romans 8:26 And in a similar way, the Holy Spirit takes hold of us in our human frailty to empower us in our weakness. For example, at times we don’t even know how to pray, or know the best things to ask for. But the Holy Spirit rises up within us to super-intercede on our behalf, pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words.

27God, the searcher of the heart, knows fully our longings, yet he also understands the desires of the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit passionately pleads before God for us, his holy ones, in perfect harmony with God’s plan and our destiny. TPT

1 COR 2:12 12 The Spirit proceeding from God unveils the gifts of his generosity. He has graced us with understanding so that we may know what he has always had in mind for us; this is so unlike the secular spirit of the wisdom of the world where everything has a price tag!  MIRROR

Ephesians 5:18 And don’t get drunk with wine, which is rebellion; instead be filled continually with the Holy Spirit.  TPT

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