FULLNESS 1-31-21


The Holy Spirit has a goal for you today. He has a plan to build you up, to restore you or even more awakening you to a level of godliness maybe you’ve never known before. Fullness means the totality of Yahweh. All his divine power and attributes. All of his nature, his wisdom, his life, and his love. His existence has been permeated to Christ to land on you! Fullness can be given away. Jesus gave it to us so we can give it to the world that needs to know him.

Fully and fullness means there’s no greater amount given. It’s been given completely however there is a continuous refreshing and stirring of his fullness because God is eternal and we  grow from glory to glory.

JN 1:16 And now out of his fullness we are fulfilled! And from him we receive grace heaped upon more grace! TPT


John 1:16 He is the source of our completeness. Everyone may now realize their own completeness as evidenced in him. This is Grace mirrored in Grace! Mirror

Eph 1:23 Which is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all [for in that body lives the full measure of Him Who makes everything complete, and Who fills everything everywhere with Himself]. AMP


Eph 1;23 The Ekklesia is his body. The completeness of his being that fills all in all resides in us! God cannot make himself more visible or exhibit himself more accurately. Mirror

Eph 1:1 Paul, employed  by the delightful resolve of God and commissioned to represent Jesus Christ to the saints in Ephesus and also to every believer in Christ Jesus.

2 I greet you with the grace and peace that proceeds from God the father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

3 Let’s celebrate God! He lavished every blessing heaven has upon us in Christ!

4 He associated us in Christ before the fall of the world! Jesus is God‘s mind made up about us! He always knew in his love that he would present us again face-to-face before him in blameless innocence.

5 He is the architect of our design; his heart dream realized in our coming of age in Christ.

6 His grace plan is to be celebrated: he greatly endeared us and highly favored us in Christ. His love for his son is his love for us.

7 Since we are fully represented in him, his blood is the ransom that secures our redemption. His forgiving or sin measures the wealth of his grace.

8 This grace shown towards us communicates a wisdom and discernment of our worth that completely surpasses any definition.

9 The secret is out! His cherish love dream now unfolds in front of our very eyes.

10 In the economy of the fullness of time, everything, culminates in Christ. All that is in heaven and all that is on earth is reconciled in him. Jesus is a consummation of the ages! Mirror

Col 1:19  For it has pleased [the Father] that all the divine fullness (the sum total of the divine perfection, powers, and attributes) should dwell in Him permanently.

20 And God purposed that through (by the service, the intervention of) Him [the Son] all things should be completely reconciled back to Himself, whether on earth or in heaven, as through Him, [the Father] made peace by means of the blood of His cross.

21 And although you at one time were estranged and alienated from Him and were of hostile attitude of mind in your wicked activities,

22 Yet now has [Christ, the Messiah] reconciled [you to God] in the body of His flesh through death, in order to present you holy and faultless and irreproachable in His [the Father’s] presence.

23 [And this He will do] provided that you continue to stay with and in the faith [in Christ], well-grounded and settled and steadfast, not shifting or moving away from the hope [which rests on and is inspired by] the glad tidings (the Gospel), which you heard and which has been preached [as being designed for and offered without restrictions] to every person under heaven, and of which [Gospel] I, Paul, became a minister. AMP


COL 1:19-23 For God is satisfied to have all his fullnessdwelling in Christ. 

20And by the blood of his cross, everything in heaven and earth is brought back to himself—back to its original intent, restored to innocence again!

21–22 Even though you were once distant from him, living in the shadows of your evil thoughts and actions, he reconnected you back to himself. He released his supernatural peace to you through the sacrifice of his own body as the sin-payment on your behalf so that you would dwell in his presence. And now there is nothing between you and Father God, for he sees you as holy, flawless, and restored,

23 if indeed you continue to advance in faith, assured of a firm foundation to grow upon. Never be shaken from the hope of the gospel you have believed in. And this is the glorious news I preach all over the world.  TPT

Col 2:9 Everything of God gets expressed in him, so you can see and hear him clearly. You don’t need a telescope, a microscope, or a horoscope to realize the fullness of Christ, and the emptiness of the universe without him.

10 When you come to him, that fullness comes together for you, too. His power extends over everything.  MSG


COL 2:9 For he is the complete fullness of deity living in human form.

10 And our own completeness is now found in him. We are completely filled with God as Christ’s fullness overflows within us. He is the Headof every kingdom and authority in the universe! TPT


Col 2:9 All Deity resides in him in human body! He proves that human life is taylor-made for God!

10 And we are in him! Jesus mirrors our completeness and endorses our true identity. He is I am in us! Mirror

Eph 3:19 [That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]! AMP


EPH 3:19 Then you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences—the great magnitudeof the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is his love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding—this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God!  TPT

Col 2:11 Entering into this fullness is not something you figure out or achieve. It’s not a matter of being circumcised or keeping a long list of laws. No, you’re already in — insiders — not through some secretive initiation rite but rather through what Christ has already gone through for you, destroying the power of sin.  MSG

Jer 31:25 For I will [fully] satisfy the weary soul, and I will replenish every languishing and sorrowful person. AMP

Acts 2:4 And they were all filled (diffused throughout their souls) with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other (different, foreign) languages (tongues), as the Spirit kept giving them clear and loud expression [in each tongue in appropriate words]. AMP


ACTS 2:4 They were all filled and equippedwith the Holy Spirit and were inspired[ to speak in tongues—empowered by the Spirit to speak in languages they had never learned! TPT

Acts 6:5 And the suggestion pleased the whole assembly, and they selected Stephen, a man full of faith (a strong and welcome belief that Jesus is the Messiah) and full of and controlled by the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a proselyte (convert) from Antioch.  AMP

Col 1:28 Him we preach and proclaim, warning and admonishing everyone and instructing everyone in all wisdom (comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God), that we may present every person mature (full-grown, fully initiated, complete, and perfect) in Christ (the Anointed One). AMP


COL 1:28 Christ is our message! We preach to awaken hearts and bring every person into the full understanding of truth. It has become my inspiration and passion in ministry to labor with a tireless intensity, with his power flowing through me, to present to every believer the revelation of being his perfect one in Jesus Christ. TPT

Heb 10:36 For you have need of steadfast patience and endurance, so that you may perform and fully accomplish the will of God, and thus receive and carry away [and enjoy to the full] what is promised. AMP

James 1:4 But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing. AMP

1 John 4:18 There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life — fear of death, fear of judgment — is one not yet fully formed in love. MSG


1 Jn 4:18 Fear cannot co-exist in this love realm. The perfect love union that we are talking about expels fear. Fear holds onto an expectation of crisis and judgment and interprets it all as due punishment. It echoes torment and only registers in someone who does not yet realize the completeness of the love union. Mirror

2 Tim 3:17 So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work. AMP

HEB 13:21 may he work perfection into every part of you giving you all that you need to fulfill your destiny. And may he express through you all that is excellent and pleasingto him through your life-union with Jesus the Anointed One who is to receive all glory forever! Amen! TPT

1 Peter 5:10  And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace [Who imparts all blessing and favor], Who has called you to His [own] eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, and strengthen, and settle you.

11 To Him be the dominion (power, authority, rule) forever and ever. Amen (so be it).

AMP   ▼▼▼

1 PET 5:10-11 And then, after your brief suffering, the God of all loving grace, who has called you to share in his eternal glory in Christ, will personally and powerfully restore you and make you stronger than ever. Yes, he will set you firmly in place and build you up.

11 And he has all the power needed to do this—forever! Amen.  TPT

Eph 1:23 The church, you see, is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church. The church is Christ’s body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence. MSG

Eph 5:18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but ever be filled and stimulated with the [Holy] Spirit.




Believe in the Hebrew means to be firm. Believing is to remain firm. Firm in your devotion to God. Just like a stake in the ground supports a tent even in the storm.

“Believe in“  means more than just knowing something is true. Believe means staking your hope, obedience and your very life on God. Every hero of faith received a reward for believing God. To stand firm in life requires belief in God. When we believe and have taken a firm stand then we take an action which is rewarded.

Abraham believed God. He was firm even during the storms of his life.   Because of Abraham‘s firm belief in God it allowed him to even consider sacrificing his son Isaac. Abraham trusted God. His stance produced as he became the father of all nations, generations and a blessing for his children. 

HEB 11:6 And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faithknowing that he is real and that he rewards the faith of those who give all their passion and strength into seeking him. TPT


Heb 11:6 There is no substitute reward for faith. Faiths return exceeds any other sense of achievement. Faith knows that God is; those who desire to respond to his invitation and draw near, realize by faith that he is life‘s most perfect gift. Mirror

John 6:28 They then said, What are we to do, that we may [habitually] be working the works of God? [What are we to do to carry out what God requires?]

29 Jesus replied, This is the work (service) that God asks of you: that you believe in the One Whom He has sent [that you cleave to, trust, rely on, and have faith in His Messenger].  AMP

Gen 15:6 And he [Abram] believed in (trusted in, relied on, remained steadfast to) the Lord, and He counted it to him as righteousness (right standing with God). AMP

Gen 22:16-17 I solemnly promise you, by the glory of my own name, decrees Yahweh, because you have obeyed my voice and did not withhold from me your son your beloved son, I will greatly bless you! I will make sure your seed becomes as numerous as the stars of heaven and as the sands of the seashore. Your offspring will take possession of the city gates of their enemies.

18 Because you have obeyed me the entire world will be blessed through your seed. TPT

James 2:19 You can believe all you want that there is one true God, that’s wonderful! But even the demons know this and tremble with fear before him, yet they’re unchanged—they remain demons.

20 O feeble sons of Adam, do you need further evidence that faith divorced from good works is phony?

21 Wasn’t our ancestor Abraham found righteous before God because of his works when he offered his son Isaac on the altar?

22 Can’t you see how his action cooperated with his faith and by his action faith found its full expression?

23 So in this way the Scripture was fulfilled: Because Abraham believed God, his faith was exchanged for God’s righteousness.  So he became known as the lover of God!

24 So now it’s clear that a person is seen as righteous in God’s eyes not merely by faith alone, but by his works.

25 And the same is true of the prostitute named Rahab who was found righteous in God’s eyes by her works, for she received the spies into her home and helped them escape from the city by another route.

26 For just as a human body without the spirit is a dead corpse, so faith without the expression of good works is dead!  TPT

Gen 26:4-5 I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars of heaven, and I will one day give them all these lands. I will bless all the nations of the earth through your offspring because Abraham was faithful to me. He listen to my voice and yielded his heart to follow my direction. He kept my commandments, my instructions, and my teachings. TPT

Heb 11:17 Faith became a more tangible evidence of the promise then even Isaac could ever be to Abraham. Isaac neither fulfilled nor replaced the promise. Inspired by what faith saw, Abraham was ready to do the ridiculous; to sacrifice his own son, convinced that not even Isaac’s death could nullify the promise that God has made him.

18 Yet Abraham knew that God had said that his lineage of faith would be traced to Isaac! Mirror

Gen 15:1. Afterwards, the word of Yahweh came to Abram in a vision and said, “Abram, don’t yield to fear, for I am your faithful shield and your abundant reward.“ TPT

Heb 11:11 Because of faith also Sarah herself received physical power to conceive a child, even when she was long past the age for it, because she considered [God] Who had given her the promise to be reliable and trustworthy and true to His word.  

12 So from one man, though he was physically as good as dead, there have sprung descendants whose number is as the stars of heaven and as countless as the innumerable sands on the seashore. AMP


Heb 11:11 Sarah’s testimony of faith is just as amazing; she conceived and bore a child when it was humanly impossible. She believe that God would be faithful to his promise, and gave that belief authority over her life.

12 Faith brought  into reality an offspring beyond calculation; from one as good as dead children would be born more numerous than the stars and as impossible to count as the grains of sand on every distant shore.    Mirror

MOSES Heb 11:27 The rage of the king did not scare him when he abandoned Egypt; faith, giving substance to the invisible, made him brave.

28 His faith saw the Paschal lamb and the sprinkled blood on the door post as the salvation of the people.

29 By Faith they crossed the  Red Sea on dry ground, but the Egyptian’s drowned when they follow them.  Mirror

NOAH  Heb 11:7 Noah received divine instructions to save his household from judgment; faith prompted him to construct the ark immediately, long before the rains were evident. His faith demonstrated the difference between judgment and justification. Mirror

Heb 12:1 So now the stage is set for us; all the faith heroes cheer us on, as it were like a great multitude of spectators in an amphitheater. This is our moment. As with an athlete who is determined to win, it would be silly to carry any baggage of the old law-system that would weigh one down. Make sure you do not get your feet clogged up with sin-consciousness. Become absolutely streamlined in faith. Run the race of your spiritual life with total persuasion. Mirror

MATT 8:26 But Jesus reprimanded them. “Why are you gripped with fear? Where is your faith?” Then he stood up and rebukedthe storm and said, “Be still!” And instantly it became perfectly calm.

27 The disciples were astonished by this miracle and said to one another, “Who is this Man? Even the wind and waves obey his Word.”  TPT

MK 16:16-20 Whoever believes the good news and is baptized will be saved, and whoever does not believe the good news will be condemned.

17 And these miracle signs will accompany those who believe: They will drive out demons in the power of my name. They will speak in tongues.

18 They will be supernaturally protected from snakes and from drinking anything poisonous. And they will lay hands on the sick and heal them.”

19 After saying these things, Jesus was lifted up into heaven and sat down at the place of honor at the right hand of God!

20 And the apostles went out announcing the good news everywhere, as the Lord himself consistently worked with them, validating the message they preached with miracle-signs that accompanied them!  TPT

Luke 8:13 “The seeds in the gravel are those who hear with enthusiasm, but the enthusiasm doesn’t go very deep. It’s only another fad, and the moment there’s trouble it’s gone.

14 “And the seed that fell in the weeds — well, these are the ones who hear, but then the seed is crowded out and nothing comes of it as they go about their lives worrying about tomorrow, making money, and having fun.

15 “But the seed in the good earth — these are the good-hearts who seize the Word and hold on no matter what, sticking with it until there’s a harvest.  MSG

John 1:12 But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave the authority (power, privilege, right) to become the children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) His name —  AMP

Jn 1:50 Jesus said, “so you believe me because I said that I saw you sitting under the tree? You haven’t seen anything yet!

51 Truely I saying to you, because of who I am, You will surely see this communication between the heavenly sphere and earth throne wide open and the angelic shepherd-messengers of God ascending and descending upon the incarnate Son of Man, heaven and earth meet in the incarnate one! Mirror

Jn 14:10 Are You not convinced that I am in the Father and the Father is it me? We are in seamless union. The words that I speak to you are not my independent opinion or ideas; the Father in me addresses you; this conversation then translates into the Fathers action unveiled in my doing.

11 The fact that the Father seems distant or invisible to you does not mean that he is absent. In me he is very present with you! You cannot claim to know me while you ignore him, we are inseparable. I dare you to believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me, if it seems far-fetched, then believe me because of what I have done and what I am about to do. It’s the Father in me who defines me. The work exhibits his resolve.

12 I I want you to be fully convinced about this, anyone whose belief concludes in who I am, will also do the works that I do. And because of my relocation to continue to be face-to-face with my Father, the works that the believer will do, will be of greater proportion and of global influence; the Father is as present in you as he is in me.

13 And whatever you desire in my name, that I will do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. Your sonship is endorsed in my Sonship.

14 If you ask me anything, and knowing what my name entitles you to, that will I perform. Mirror

Ro 3:22 Jesus is what God believes about you! In him the righteousness of God is on display in such a way that everyone may be equally persuaded about what God believes about them, regardless of who they are; there is no distinction. Mirror

Eph 1:19 I pray that you will be overwhelmed with an understanding of the magnitude of his power in the finished work of Christ. This is what results in the dynamic of your faith. Mirror

Heb 10:39 But we are not of the quitting kind; we possess a persuasion of soul that believes against all the odds. Mirror

Heb 10:35 Do not let this happy trust in the Lord die away, no matter what happens. Remember your reward!   TLB



We are being changed from one degree of glory to another. Transformation means to change into something new. Changing from a Caterpillar to a butterfly making a thorough change or dramatic change in form, appearance and character. It is a change from the inside out. For us it means to change our thoughts, and our thinking to be agreeable with God. Sometimes change and transformation can feel scary. But God can be trusted.  We are changed from the old man into the new.  But it feels hard to have a desire for transformation because the old ways seems so much more comfortable.

ISA 55:8-11 For my thoughts about mercyare not like your thoughts, and my ways are different from yours.
As high as the heavens are above the earth, so my ways and my thoughts are higher than yours.10 “As the snow and rain that fall from heavendo not return until they have accomplished their purpose, soaking the earth and causing it to sprout with new life, providing seed to sow and bread to eat.
11 So also will be the wordthat I speak; it does not return to me unfulfilled. My word performs my purpose and fulfills the mission I sent it out to accomplish.” TPT

Rom 2:4 Or are you [so blind as to] trifle with and presume upon and despise and underestimate the wealth of His kindness and forbearance and long-suffering patience? Are you unmindful or actually ignorant [of the fact] that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repent (to change your mind and inner man to accept God’s will)?  AMP


Rom 2:4 Do not underestimate God‘s kindness. The wealth of his benevolence and his resolute refusal to let go of us is because he continues to hear the echo of his likeness in us! That’s his patient passion is to shepherd everyone into a radical mind shift. Mirror

1 Cor 14:20 Brethren, do not be children [immature] in your thinking; continue to be babes in [matters of] evil, but in your minds be mature [men].  AMP

Rom 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].  AMP


Rom 12:2 Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.   MSG


Rom 12:2 Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity. PHILLIPS


Rom 12:2 Do Not allow current religious tradition to mold you into its patterns of reasoning. Like an inspired artist, give attention to the detail of God’s desire to find expression in you. Become acquainted with perfection. To accommodate yourself to the delight and good pleasure of him will transform your thoughts afresh from within. Mirror

2 COR 3:18 We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfiguredinto his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. TPT


2 Cor 3:18 And we all, with new understanding, see ourselves in him as an a mirror. The days of window-shopping are over! In him every face is unveiled. And gazing with wonder at the blueprint of God displayed in human form, we suddenly realize that we’re looking into a mirror, where every feature of his image is articulated in Christ is reflected within us! The Spirit of the Lord engineers this radical transformation; we are led from an inferior mindset to the revealed endorsement of our authentic identity. Mirror

2 Cor 5:17 Now in light of your co-inclusion in his death and resurrection, whatever you thought you were before, in Christ you are a brand new person! The old ways of seeing yourself and everyone else are over. Acquaint yourself with the new! Mirror

Col 3:1 See yourselves co-raised with Christ! Now ponder with persuasion the consequence of your co-inclusion in him. Relocate yourselves mentally! Engage your thoughts with throne room realities were you are co-seated with Christ in the executive authority of God right hand.

2 Becoming affectionately acquainted with Throne room thoughts will keep you from being distracted again by the earthly soul ruled realm.  Mirror

Col 3:9 That Old life was a lie, foreign to our design! Those garments of disguise are now thoroughly stripped off us in our understanding of our union with Christ and his death and resurrection. We are no longer obligated to live under the identity and rule of the robes we wore before, neither are we cheating anyone through false pretensions.

10 We Stand fully identified in the new creation renewed in knowledge according to the pattern of the exact image of our creator. MIRROR

Joel 2:13 Change your life, not just your clothes. Come back to God, your God.

And here’s why: God is kind and merciful. He takes a deep breath, puts up with a lot,

This most patient God, extravagant in love, always ready to cancel catastrophe. MSG

Mark 1:8 I’m baptizing you here in the river, turning your old life in for a kingdom life. His baptism — a holy baptism by the Holy Spirit — will change you from the inside out.”


Phil 3:21 The Salvation that Jesus is the author of, refashions these bodies of clay and elevates us to fully participate in the same pattern of his heavenly glory! The severe contradictions that we might often face in the frailty of the flesh, is by far suppressed by the glorious splendor displayed in his human body raised from the dead; according to the working of God’s dynamic power. He imprints the mirror pattern of his likeness in us. Thus he subdues of things to himself. Mirror

LU 5:37-39 And who pours new wine into an old wineskin? If someone did, the old wineskin would burst and the new wine would be lost.

38 New wine must always be poured into new wineskins.

39 Yet you say, ‘The old ways are better,’ and you refuse to even taste the new that I bring.” TPT

Luke 8:37-45  Later, a great many people from the Gerasene countryside got together and asked Jesus to leave — too much change, too fast, and they were scared. So Jesus got back in the boat and set off.

38 The man whom he had delivered from the demons asked to go with him, but he sent him back, saying,

39 “Go home and tell everything God did in you.” So he went back and preached all over town everything Jesus had done in him.

40 On his return, Jesus was welcomed by a crowd. They were all there expecting him. 41 A man came up, Jairus by name. He was president of the meeting place. He fell at Jesus’ feet and begged him to come to his home

42 because his twelve-year-old daughter, his only child, was dying. Jesus went with him, making his way through the pushing, jostling crowd.

43 In the crowd that day there was a woman who for twelve years had been afflicted with hemorrhages. She had spent every penny she had on doctors but not one had been able to help her.

44 She slipped in from behind and touched the edge of Jesus’ robe. At that very moment her hemorrhaging stopped.  MSG

Eph 4:22 Now you are free to strip off that old identity like a filthy worn out garment. Lust corrupted you and cheated you into wearing it.

23 Be renewed in your innermost mind. This will cause you to be completely re-programmed in the way you should think about yourself!

24 Immerse yourself into this God shaped new person from above! You were created in the image and likeness of God. That is what righteousness and true holiness are all about. Mirror

MATT 26:28-29 or this is the blood that seals the new covenant. It will be poured out for many for the complete forgiveness of sins.

29 The next time we drink this, I will be with you and we will drink it together with a new understanding in the kingdom realm of my Father. TPT

Jn 6:32 Jesus reminded them that it wasn’t Moses who gave them the bread from heaven. My father is the one who gives real bread from heaven.

33 For the bread from God that comes down from heaven is that which gives life to the entire world!

34 They said, oh Lord, this is the bread we crave! Give us this bread.

35 Jesus said I am the bread of life! He that comes face-to-face with me shall never hunger and he who finds his faith resting in me shall never thirst! Mirror

JN 6:48-50 I am the true Bread of Life.

49 Your ancestors ate manna in the desert and died.

50 But standing here before you is the true Bread that comes out of heaven, and when you eat this Bread you will never die. TPT


Jn 6:48  I am the bread of life!

49  Your fathers eat manna in the wilderness and died there in the wilderness.

50 This, is what you have here in me standing face-to-face with you, is very substance of your life; the bread  descending out of the heavenly sphere for everyone to eat their fill and not die. Mirror

Jn 6:53 Amen amen, I say and to you that you have no real life in yourselves until you consume the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood.

54 Your every meal is a celebration of the incarnation to eat my flesh and drink my blood is to digest me like your body is designed to digest food and it becomes flesh; this echoes the life of the ages and communicates the fact that you are co-risen with me in the final conclusion of my work of redemption.

55 My flesh is food in its truest form and my blood is drink in its truest form.

56 The eating of my flesh and drinking my blood is the celebration of our seamless union, you in me and I in you, because you won’t find you until you find me!

57 As for the living father has sent me and also sustains me so I will sustain the one eating me. I live through my father, just like my daily food sustains me, so his life permanently resides in me, now you may also continually and habitually feast on me and live to me!

58 This is the Bread that step down out of the heavenly sphere there is no comparison with the manna your fathers receive from heaven they ate and they died now feast on me and celebrate the life of ages. Mirror

Mic 4:7 I will transform the battered into a company of the elite. I will make a strong nation out of the long lost, A showcase exhibit of God’s rule in action, as I rule from Mount Zion, from here to eternity.  MSG



Until you are settled in your identity in God you will not find the courage to pray big prayers or to believe for big miracles. Daniel had the boldness to pray for city, for healing. He knew that the earth was the Lord did it all belong to him.  In his authority we can without begging, without worrying know he hears us pray and nothing is impossible.

John 14:13 And I will do [I Myself will grant] whatever you ask in My Name [as presenting all that I AM], so that the Father may be glorified and extolled in (through) the Son. 

14 [Yes] I will grant [I Myself will do for you] whatever you shall ask in My Name [as presenting all that I AM].   AMP


Jn 14:13 And whatever you desire in my name, that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. Your sonship is endorsed in My sonship.

14 If You ask me anything, and knowing what my name entitles you to, that will I performed. Mirror

JN 16:23-24For here is eternal truth: When that time comes you won’t need to ask me for anything, but instead you will go directly to the Father and ask him for anything you desire and he will give it to you, because of your relationship with me.

24 Until now you’ve not been bold enough to ask the Father for a single thing in my name, but now you can ask, and keep on asking him! And you can be sure that you’ll receive what you ask for, and your joy will have no limits! TPT


Jn 16:23 In that day of your awakening to our inseparable union, you should ask me no more questions; instead you should certainly ask the father directly in my name knowing that my name represents the extent of all the father has already accomplished on mankind‘s behalf and he will happily grant you your request and take all questions of possible doubt or uncertainty out of the equation.

24 Until Now you’ve not required anything in my name– when you realize what is yours in my name, then make your request and lay hold of that so that your joy may burst it’s banks!  Mirror

Mark 11:24 For this reason I am telling you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe (trust and be confident) that it is granted to you, and you will [get it].  AMP

Eph 3:20 Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams] — 

21 To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen (so be it).  AMP


Eph 3:20  God can do anything, you know — far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

21 Glory to God in the church! Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus! Glory down all the generations! Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes! MSG


EPH 3:20-21 Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.

21 Now we offer up to God all the glorious praise that rises from every church in every generation through Jesus Christ—and all that will yet be manifest through time and eternity. Amen!  TPT


Eph 3:20 We Celebrate Elohim who is super charges us powerfully from within. Our biggest request or most amazing dream cannot match the extravagant portion of their thoughts towards us.

21 God he is both the author and conclusion of the glory on display in the Ekklesia mirrored in Christ Jesus. The encore continues throughout every generation, not only in this age but also in the countless ages to come. Amen!   Mirror

Ekklesia often is translated the church, it comes from EK a preposition always denoting origin.

Klesia from a word identified by name or surname Ekklesia is the expression of God’s image and likeness redeemed in human life.

How powerful are  our prayers that are offered up by Jesus to the father and they become as incense. The prayers release their mighty power being poured on the earth. Effects of prayer show themselves by natural signs and wonders. Lightning illuminates the define truth, earthquakes shakes the kingdoms of men into their foundation. Voices carry the word of the Lord. Only the sons of God could pray these kind of effective prayers because of who we are.

Rev 8:3 And another angel came and stood over the altar. He had a golden censer, and he was given very much incense (fragrant spices and gums which exhale perfume when burned), that he might mingle it with the prayers of all the people of God (the saints) upon the golden altar before the throne. 

4 And the smoke of the incense (the perfume) arose in the presence of God, with the prayers of the people of God (the saints), from the hand of the angel.

5 So the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and cast it upon the earth. Then there followed peals of thunder and loud rumblings and blasts and noises, and flashes of lightning and an earthquake.  AMP


Rev 8:3 Then another Angel, carrying a gold censer, came and stood at the Altar. He was given a great quantity of incense so that he could offer up the prayers of all the holy people of God on the Golden Altar before the Throne.

4 Smoke billowed up from the incense-laced prayers of the holy ones, rose before God from the hand of the Angel.

5 Then the Angel filled the censer with fire from the Altar and heaved it to earth. It set off thunders, voices, lightnings, and an earthquake.  MSG

1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God’s] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.  AMP


1 PET 2:9 But you are God’s chosen treasure—priests who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvelous light, and now he claims you as his very own. He did this so that you would broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world.  TPT

Eph 1:22 And He has put all things under His feet and has appointed Him the universal and supreme Head of the church [a headship exercised throughout the church], 

23 Which is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all [for in that body lives the full measure of Him Who makes everything complete, and Who fills everything everywhere with Himself].  AMP


EPH 1:22-23 And he alone is the leader and source of everything needed in the church. God has put everything beneath the authority of Jesus Christand has given him the highest rank above all others.

 23 And now we, his church, are his body on the earth and that which fills him who is being filled by it!  TPT

EPH 3:10-12 The purpose of this was to unveil before every throne and rank of angelic orders in the heavenly realm God’s full and diverse wisdom revealed through the church.

11 This perfectly wise plan was destined from eternal ages and fulfilled completely in our Lord Jesus Christ, so that now

12 we have boldness through him, and free access as kingsbefore the Father because of our complete confidence in Christ’s faithfulness. TPT


Eph 3:10 Every invisible authority and government in the arena of the heavenlies now witnesses the display of the wisdom of God. The church acts like a prism that disperses the varied magnitude of God in human form.

11 In Jesus Christ our master, the timeless prophetic thought of God is poetically realized.

12 His Faith in us gives our lives integrity. We echo and articulate the original conversation publicly. He is our platform to a global audience. Mirror

Eph 5:27 This intimate language presents the church (his restored image and likeness) to himself, to his delightful approval without any distraction or reminder of the blemished past; no wrinkle or scar of sins abuse remains; she stands before him in immaculate innocence.  Mirror

Matt 16:19 “And that’s not all. You will have complete and free access to God’s kingdom, keys to open any and every door: no more barriers between heaven and earth, earth and heaven. A yes on earth is yes in heaven. A no on earth is no in heaven.”   MSG

MATT 6:5-8 “Whenever you pray, be sincere and not like the pretenders who love the attention they receive while praying before others in the meetings and on street corners. Believe me, they’ve already received in full their reward.

 But whenever you pray, go into your innermost chamber and be alone with Father God,praying to him in secret. And your Father, who sees all you do, will reward you openly.

When you pray, there is no need to repeat empty phrases, praying like those who don’t know God, for they expect God to hear them because of their many words.

There is no need to imitate them, since your Father already knows what you need before you ask him.  TPT

Jer 33:3 Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).  AMP

Isa 65:24 Before they even call out to me, I will answer them; before they’ve finished telling me what they need, I’ll have already heard. TPT

Heb 4:16 Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]. AMP


HEB 4:16 So now we come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned, to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthenus in our time of weakness. TPT

LU 11:13 If imperfect parents know how to lovingly take care of their children and give them what they need, how much more will the perfect heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit’s fullness when his children ask him.” TPT

1 JN 5:14-15 Since we have this confidence, we can also have great boldness before him, for if we present any request agreeable to his will, he will hear us.

15 And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we also know that we have obtained the requests we ask of him.TPT


1Jn 5:14 Thus We engage in an unreserved conversation, face-to-face with the father; we know that it is his delight to be your audience and whatever we may ask him.

15 And convinced of his delight with us with in this place of intimate conversation, it’s clear that our every request is held in the same echo we already have what we asked for! Mirror

REDEEM THE TIMES by Mary Dorian 1-17-2021


Eph 5:15 Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people),

16 Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil.  AMP


Eph 5:15  See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise,

16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  NKJV

Col 4:5 Behave yourselves wisely [living prudently and with discretion] in your relations with those of the outside world (the non-Christians), making the very most of the time and seizing (buying up) the opportunity.  AMP


Col 4:5 Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. NKJV

James 4:14 Yet you do not know [the least thing] about what may happen tomorrow. What is the nature of your life? You are [really] but a wisp of vapor (a puff of smoke, a mist) that is visible for a little while and then disappears [into thin air]. AMP


James 4:14 But you don’t have a clue what tomorrow may bring. For your fleeting life is but a warm breath of air that is visible in the cold only for a moment and then vanishes!  TPT

James 4:17 So any person who knows what is right to do but does not do it, to him it is sin.  AMP


James 4:17 So if you know of an opportunity to do the right thing today, yet you refrain from doing it, you’re guilty of sin.  TPT

Gal 3:13 Christ purchased our freedom [redeeming us] from the curse (doom) of the Law [and its condemnation] by [Himself] becoming a curse for us, for it is written [in the Scriptures], Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree (is crucified);  AMP


Gal 3:13 Yet, Christ paid the full price to set us free from the curse of the law. He absorbed it completely as he became a curse in our place. For it is written:  TPT

Gal 4:5 To purchase the freedom of (to ransom, to redeem, to atone for) those who were subject to the Law, that we might be adopted and have sonship conferred upon us [and be recognized as God’s sons].

6 And because you [really] are [His] sons, God has sent the [Holy] Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, Abba (Father)! Father!  AMP


Gal 4:5-6 Yet all of this was so that he would redeem and set free all those held hostage to the written law so that we would receive our freedom and a full legal adoption as his children.

And so that we would know for sure that we are his true children, God released the Spirit of Sonship into our hearts—moving us to cry out intimately, “My Father![a] You’re our true Father!”  TPT

Ps 72:7 In His [Christ’s] days shall the [uncompromisingly] righteous flourish and peace abound till there is a moon no longer.  AMP


Ps 72:7 In the days of his reign the righteous will spring forth with the abundance of peace and prosperity forevermore. TPT

John 19:30 When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, It is finished! And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.  AMP


John 19:30 When he had sipped the sour wine, he said, “It is finished, my bride!”[a] Then he bowed his head and surrendered his spirit to God. TPT

Ps 22:31 They shall come and shall declare His righteousness to a people yet to be born — that He has done it [that it is finished]!  AMP


Ps 22:31 His generation yet to be born will glorify him. And they will all declare, “It is finished!” TPT

Matthew 16:3 And, ‘Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.’ You’re so adept at forecasting the weather by looking at the sky, but you’re absolutely clueless in reading the obvious signs of the times. TPT

1 Chron 12:32 And of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do, 200 chiefs; and all their kinsmen were under their command;  AMP

Job 33:29  “This is the way God works. Over and over again

30 He pulls our souls back from certain destruction so we’ll see the light — and live in the light!  MSG



Love is the most important thing in the kingdom. Romans 8:28 is a key scripture for 2021 and beyond. We see this word come to pass again and again in history. It’s the word for now and especially for today.

Rom 8:28  We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose. AMP


RO 8:28 So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose.  TPT


Rom 8:28 And we know with an absolute knowledge that for those who are loving God, all things are working together resulting in good, for those who are divinely summoned ones according to His purpose. WUEST

Ephesians 1:11 Through our union with Christ we too have been claimed by God as his own inheritance. Before we were even born, he gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart. TPT

JOSEPH  Gen 50:20 As for you, you thought evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring about that many people should be kept alive, as they are this day. 

21 Now therefore, do not be afraid. I will provide for and support you and your little ones. And he comforted them [imparting cheer, hope, strength] and spoke to their hearts AMP

Ps 118:15 Hear the shouts, hear the triumph songs in the camp of the saved? “The hand of God has turned the tide!

16 The hand of God is raised in victory! The hand of God has turned the tide!”  MSG

Jer 29:11  I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out — plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.  MSG

Rom 8:29 For those whom He foreknew [of whom He was aware and loved beforehand], He also destined from the beginning [foreordaining them] to be molded into the image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness], that He might become the firstborn among many brethren.

30 And those whom He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being].

31 What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?] 

32 He who did not withhold or spare [even] His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all [other] things?

33 Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect [when it is] God Who justifies [that is, Who puts us in right relation to Himself? Who shall come forward and accuse or impeach those whom God has chosen? Will God, Who acquits us?]

34 Who is there to condemn [us]? Will Christ Jesus (the Messiah), Who died, or rather Who was raised from the dead, Who is at the right hand of God actually pleading as He intercedes for us?

35 Who shall ever separate us from Christ’s love? Shall suffering and affliction and tribulation? Or calamity and distress? Or persecution or hunger or destitution or peril or sword?

36 Even as it is written, For Thy sake we are put to death all the day long; we are regarded and counted as sheep for the slaughter.

37 Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us.

38 For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers,

39 Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  AMP


RO 8:29-39 For he knew all about us before we were born and he destined usfrom the beginning to share the likeness of his Son. This means the Son is the oldest among a vast family of brothers and sisters who will become just like him.

30 Having determined our destiny ahead of time, he called us to himself and transferred his perfect righteousness to everyone he called. And those who possess his perfect righteousness he co-glorified with his Son!

31 So, what does all this mean? If God has determined to stand with us, tell me, who then could ever stand against us?

32 For God has proved his love by giving us his greatest treasure, the gift of his Son. And since God freely offered him up as the sacrifice for us all, he certainly won’t withhold from us anything else he has to give.

33 Who then would dare to accuse those whom God has chosen in love to be his? God himself is the judge who has issued his final verdict over them—“Not guilty!”

34 Who then is left to condemn us? Certainly not Jesus, the Anointed One! For he gave his life for us, and even more than that, he has conquered death and is now risen, exalted, and enthroned by God at his right hand. So how could he possibly condemn us since he is continually praying for our triumph?

35 Who could ever separate us from the endless love of God’s Anointed One? Absolutely no one! For nothing in the universe has the power to diminish his love toward us. Troubles, pressures, and problems are unable to come between us and heaven’s love. What about persecutions, deprivations, dangers, and death threats? No, for they are all impotent to hinder omnipotent love,

36 even though it is written: All day long we face death threats for your sake, God. We are considered to be nothing more than sheep to be slaughtered!

37 Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!

38 So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that his love will triumph over death, life’s troubles, fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken his love.

39 There is no power above us or beneath us—no power that could ever be found in the universe that can distance us from God’s passionate love, which is lavished upon us through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One! TPT

Ps 23:6 Surely or only goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, and through the length of my days the house of the Lord [and His presence] shall be my dwelling place.  AMP 


PS 23:6 So why would I fear the future?For your goodness and love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through,  I’ll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you! TPT

PS 36:7 O God, how extravagant is your cherishing love! All mankind can find a hiding placeunder the shadow of your wings. TPT

Ps 91:14 Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he knows and understands My name [has a personal knowledge of My mercy, love, and kindness — trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never forsake him, no, never]. AMP


PS 91:14 For here is what the Lord has spoken to me: “Because you have delighted in me as my great lover,I will greatly protect you.I will set you in a high place, safe and secure before my face. TPT

PS 116:1-3 I am passionately in love with God because he listens to me. He hears my prayers and answers them.
As long as I live I’ll keep praying to him, for he stoops down to listen to my heart’s cry.
Death once stared me in the face, and I was close to slipping into its dark shadows.I was terrified and overcome with sorrow.TPT

Col 1:13 [The Father] has delivered and drawn us to Himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,  AMP   ▼▼▼

COL 1:13  He has rescued us completely from the tyrannical ruleof darkness and has translated us into the kingdom realm of his beloved Son.  TPT

1 Thess 3:12  And may the Lord make you to increase and excel and overflow in love for one another and for all people, just as we also do for you, AMP

1 THES 4:9 There’s no need for anyone to say much to you about loving your fellow believers, for God is continually teaching you to unselfishly love one another.TPT

Gen 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall become united and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.  AMP

EPH 5:25-33  And to the husbands, you are to demonstrate love for your wives with the same tender devotion that Christ demonstrated to us, his bride. For he died for us, sacrificing himself

26 to make us holy and pure, cleansing us through the showering of the pure water of the Word of God.

27 All that he does in us is designed to make us a mature church for his pleasure, until we become a source of praise to him—glorious and radiant, beautiful and holy, without fault or flaw.

28 Husbands have the obligation of loving and caring for their wives the same way they love and care for their own bodies, for to love your wife is to love your own self.

29 No one abuses his own body, but pampers it—serving and satisfying its needs. That’s exactly what Christ does for his church!

30 He serves and satisfies us as members of his body.

31 For this reason a man is to leave his father and his mother and lovingly hold to his wife, since the two have become joined as one flesh.

32 Marriage is the beautiful design of the Almighty, a great and sacred mystery—meant to be a vivid example of Christ and his church.

33 So every married man should be gracious to his wife just as he is gracious to himself. And every wife should be tenderly devoted to her husband. TPT



Freedom from pride or concerned about your own value humility means gentleness of heart. To lower in self importance. Subservient, courteous or respectful.

1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world — the lust of the flesh [craving for sensual gratification] and the lust of the eyes [greedy longings of the mind] and the pride of life [assurance in one’s own resources or in the stability of earthly things] — these do not come from the Father but are from the world [itself].

17 And the world passes away and disappears, and with it the forbidden cravings (the passionate desires, the lust) of it; but he who does the will of God and carries out His purposes in his life abides (remains) forever.  AMP

MATT 11:29 Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle,humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me TPT

Phil 2:5 Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:]

6 Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God [possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God], did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped or retained,

7 But stripped Himself [of all privileges and rightful dignity], so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave), in that He became like men and was born a human being.

8 And after He had appeared in human form, He abased and humbled Himself [still further] and carried His obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of the cross!

9 Therefore [because He stooped so low] God has highly exalted Him and has freely bestowed on Him the name that is above every name,

10 That in (at) the name of Jesus every knee should (must) bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

11 And every tongue [frankly and openly] confess and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. AMP


PHIL 2:5-11 And consider the example that Jesus, the Anointed One, has set before us. Let his mindset become your motivation.

He existed in the form of God, yet he gave no thought to seizing equality with God as his supreme prize.

Instead he emptied himself of his outward glory by reducing himself to the form of a lowly servant. He became human!

He humbled himself and became vulnerable, choosing to be revealed as a man and was obedient. He was a perfect example, even in his death—a criminal’s death by crucifixion!

Because of that obedience, God exalted him and multiplied his greatness! He has now been given the greatest of all names!

10 The authority of the name of Jesus causes every knee to bow in reverence! Everything and everyone will one day submit to this name—in the heavenly realm, in the earthly realm, and in the demonic realm.

11 And every tongue will proclaim in every language: “Jesus Christ is Lord Yahweh,” bringing glory and honor to God, his Father!  TPT

Prov 16:18 First pride, then the crash — the bigger the ego, the harder the fall. MSG


PRO 16:18 Your boast becomes a prophecy of a future failure. The higher you lift up yourself in pride, the harder you’ll fall in disgrace. TPT

Prov 18:12 Haughtiness comes before disaster, but humility before honor. AMP


PROV 18:12 A man’s heart is the proudest when his downfall is nearest, for he won’t see glory until the Lord sees humility. TPT

Dan 4:30 The king said, Is not this the great Babylon that I have built as the royal residence and seat of government by the might of my power and for the honor and glory of my majesty?

31 While the words were still in the king’s mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is spoken: The kingdom has departed from you, AMP   ▼

Dan 4:34 “At the end of the seven years, I, Nebuchadnezzar, looked to heaven. I was given my mind back and I blessed the High God, thanking and glorifying God, who lives forever. “His sovereign rule lasts and lasts, his kingdom never declines and falls.

35 Life on this earth doesn’t add up to much, but God’s heavenly army keeps everything going. No one can interrupt his work, no one can call his rule into question.

36 “At the same time that I was given back my mind, I was also given back my majesty and splendor, making my kingdom shine. All the leaders and important people came looking for me. I was reestablished as king in my kingdom and became greater than ever.

37 And that’s why I’m singing — I, Nebuchadnezzar — singing and praising the King of Heaven:  “Everything he does is right, and he does it the right way. He knows how to turn a proud person into a humble man or woman.”   MSG

Dan 10:12 Then he said to me, Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your mind and heart to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come as a consequence of [and in response to] your words.  AMP 

Mic 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to humble yourself and walk humbly with your God? 

9 The voice of the Lord calls to the city [Jerusalem] — and it is sound wisdom to hear and fear Your name — Hear (heed) the rod and Him Who has appointed it.  AMP

Prov 15:33 The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord brings instruction in Wisdom, and humility comes before honor. AMP

Prov 22:4 The reward of humility and the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life. AMP


PROV 22:4 Laying your life down in tender surrender before the Lord will bring life, prosperity, and honor as your reward. TPT

2 Chron 32:26 But Hezekiah humbled himself for the pride of his heart, both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the Lord came not upon them in the days of Hezekiah.

27 And Hezekiah had very great wealth and honor, and he made for himself treasuries for silver, gold, precious stones, spices, shields, and all kinds of attractive vessels,

28 Storehouses also for the increase of grain, vintage fruits, and oil, and stalls for all kinds of cattle, and sheepfolds.

29 Moreover, he provided for himself cities and flocks and herds in abundance, for God had given him very great possessions.  AMP

Matt 18:4 Whoever will humble himself therefore and become like this little child [trusting, lowly, loving, forgiving] is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. AMP

Matt 23:12 Whoever exalts himself [with haughtiness and empty pride] shall be humbled (brought low), and whoever humbles himself [whoever has a modest opinion of himself and behaves accordingly] shall be raised to honor.  AMP

Luke 14:11 For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled (ranked below others who are honored or rewarded), and he who humbles himself (keeps a modest opinion of himself and behaves accordingly) will be exalted (elevated in rank). AMP

Job 22:29 When they make [you] low, you will say, [There is] a lifting up; and the humble person He lifts up and saves.  AMP

PS 25:9 Keep showing the humble your path, and lead them into the best decision. Bring revelation-light that trains them in the truth. TPT

PS 149:4 For he enjoys his faithful lovers. He adorns the humble with his beauty and he loves to give them the victory. TPT

Prov 16:19  It’s better to live humbly among the poor than to live it up among the rich and famous. MSG

ISA 66:2 My hand made these things so they all belong to me,” declares Yahweh. “But there is one my eyes are drawn to:the humble one, the tender one, the trembling one who lives in awe of all I say.  TPT

Matt 5:3 Blessed (happy, to be envied, and spiritually prosperous — with life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) are the poor in spirit (the humble, who rate themselves insignificant), for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!  AMP


Matt 5:3 “You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.  MSG

James 4:10 Humble yourselves [feeling very insignificant] in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you [He will lift you up and make your lives significant]. AMP


JAMES 4:10 Be willing to be made low before the Lord and he will exalt you! TPT

1 Peter 5:5 Likewise, you who are younger and of lesser rank, be subject to the elders (the ministers and spiritual guides of the church) — [giving them due respect and yielding to their counsel]. Clothe (apron) yourselves, all of you, with humility [as the garb of a servant, so that its covering cannot possibly be stripped from you, with freedom from pride and arrogance] toward one another. For God sets Himself against the proud (the insolent, the overbearing, the disdainful, the presumptuous, the boastful) — [and He opposes, frustrates, and defeats them], but gives grace (favor, blessing) to the humble. 

6 Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you, AMP


1 PET 5:5-6 In the same way, the younger ones should willingly supportthe leadership of the elders. In every relationship, each of you must wrap around yourself the apron of a humble servant. Because God resists you when you are proud but multiplies grace and favor when you are humble.TPT

Gal 5:23 Gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such things there is no law [that can bring a charge]. AMP

PHIL 2:3 Be free from pride-filled opinions, for they will only harm your cherished unity. Don’t allow self-promotion to hide in your hearts, but in authentic humility put others first and view others as more important than yourselves.  TPT

Matt 23:12 If you puff yourself up, you’ll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you’re content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty. MSG


MATT 23:12 Remember this: If you have a lofty opinion of yourself and seek to be honored, you will be humbled. But if you have a modest opinion of yourself and choose to humble yourself, you will be honored.”  TPT

PRO 15:33 The source of revelation-knowledge is found as you fall down in surrender before the Lord. Don’t expect to see Shekinah gloryuntil the Lord sees your sincere humility. TPT



Intervene means to change what seems to be determined by circumstances by what is written in the book of life. The Bible is filled with stories of God‘s intervention in the lives of mankind. So how is it that God intervenes in our lives? Has he gotten us to where we are now? He will take us all the way through. Miracles are divine intervention in our lives.

Rev 3:5 Thus shall he who conquers (is victorious) be clad in white garments, and I will not erase or blot out his name from the Book of Life; I will acknowledge him [as Mine] and I will confess his name openly before My Father and before His angels.  

6 He who is able to hear, let him listen to and heed what the [Holy] Spirit says to the assemblies (churches). AMP


REV 3:5-6 And the one who experiences victory will be dressed in white robes and I will never, no never erase your name from the Book of Life. I will acknowledge your name before my Father and his angels.

So the one whose heart is open let him listen carefully to what the Spirit is now saying to all the churches. TPT

Rev 21:27 But nothing that defiles or profanes or is unwashed shall ever enter it, nor anyone who commits abominations (unclean, detestable, morally repugnant things) or practices falsehood, but only those whose names are recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life. AMP


REV 21:27 Evilwill not enter, nor anyone who does what is abhorrent or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Book of Life of the Lamb. TPT

Isa 59:19 So [as the result of the Messiah’s intervention] they shall [reverently] fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him and put him to flight [for He will come like a rushing stream which the breath of the Lord drives].  AMP

Phil 1:6 There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears. MSG


PHIL 1:6 I pray with great faith for you, because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this glorious workin you will faithfully continue the process of maturing youand will put his finishing touches to it until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ! TPT

Dan 2:21 He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding!   AMP

Col 1:16-17  For it was in Him that all things were created, in heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen, whether thrones, dominions, rulers, or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him [by His service, intervention] and in and for Him.

17 And He Himself existed before all things, and in Him all things consist (cohere, are held together).  AMP


COL 1:16-17 For through the Son everything was created, both in the heavenly realm and on the earth, all that is seen and all that is unseen. Every seat of power, realm of government, principality, and authority—it was all created through him and for his purpose!

17 He existed before anything was made, and now everything finds completion in him.

Job 33:24 A messenger who would mercifully intervene, canceling the death sentence with the words: ‘I’ve come up with the ransom!’  MSG

Col 1:20 And God purposed that through (by the service, the intervention of) Him [the Son] all things should be completely reconciled back to Himself, whether on earth or in heaven, as through Him, [the Father] made peace by means of the blood of His cross.  AMP

PS 16:11 For you bring me a continual revelation of resurrection life, the path to the bliss that brings me face-to-face with you. TPT

PS 142:3 For when I was desperate, overwhelmed, and about to give up, you were the only one there to help. You gave me a way of escape from the hidden traps of my enemies. TPT

Prov 4:12 When you walk, your steps shall not be hampered [your path will be clear and open]; and when you run, you shall not stumble.  AMP


PRO 4:12 Your progress will have no limits when you come along with me, and you will never stumble as you walk along the way. TPT

Prov 4:18 But the path of the [uncompromisingly] just and righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more and more (brighter and clearer) until [it reaches its full strength and glory in] the perfect day [to be prepared].  AMP

Ex 3:20 so I’ll intervene and hit Egypt where it hurts — oh, my miracles will send them reeling! — after which they’ll be glad to send you off.  MSG

Ex 14:22 And the Israelites went into the midst of the sea on dry ground, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.  AMP

Gen 7:1 AND THE Lord said to Noah, Come with all your household into the ark, for I have seen you to be righteous (upright and in right standing) before Me in this generation.  AMP

Gen 7:5 And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him. 

6 Noah was 600 years old when the flood of waters came upon the earth or land.

7 And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with him went into the ark because of the waters of the flood.  AMP

Acts 22:6 But as I was on my journey and approached Damascus, about noon a great blaze of light flashed suddenly from heaven and shone about me.

7 And I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me [harass and trouble and molest Me]?

8 And I replied, Who are You, Lord? And He said to me, I am Jesus the Nazarene, Whom you are persecuting.

9 Now the men who were with me saw the light, but they did not hear [the sound of the uttered words of] the voice of the One Who was speaking to me [so that they could understand it].

10 And I asked, What shall I do, Lord? And the Lord answered me, Get up and go into Damascus, and there it will be told you all that it is destined and appointed for you to do.   AMP

Acts 22:14 And he said, The God of our forefathers has destined and appointed you to come progressively to know His will [to perceive, to recognize more strongly and clearly, and to become better and more intimately acquainted with His will], and to see the Righteous One (Jesus Christ, the Messiah), and to hear a voice from His [own] mouth and a message from His [own] lips;

15 For you will be His witness unto all men of everything that you have seen and heard.

16 And now, why do you delay? Rise and be baptized, and by calling upon His name, wash away your sins.  AMP

Acts 12:5 So Peter was kept in prison, but fervent prayer for him was persistently made to God by the church (assembly).

6 The very night before Herod was about to bring him forth, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, fastened with two chains, and sentries before the door were guarding the prison.

7 And suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared [standing beside him], and a light shone in the place where he was. And the angel gently smote Peter on the side and awakened him, saying, Get up quickly! And the chains fell off his hands.

8 And the angel said to him, Tighten your belt and bind on your sandals. And he did so. And he said to him, Wrap your outer garment around you and follow me.

9 And [Peter] went out [along] following him, and he was not conscious that what was apparently being done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision.

10 When they had passed through the first guard and the second, they came to the iron gate which leads into the city. Of its own accord [the gate] swung open, and they went out and passed on through one street; and at once the angel left him.  AMP

Gen 22:7 And Isaac said to Abraham, My father! And he said, Here I am, my son. [Isaac] said, See, here are the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt sacrifice?

8 Abraham said, My son, God Himself will provide a lamb for the burnt offering. So the two went on together.

9 When they came to the place of which God had told him, Abraham built an altar there; then he laid the wood in order and bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar on the wood.

10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand and took hold of the knife to slay his son. 

11 But the Angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said, Abraham, Abraham! He answered, Here I am.

12 And He said, Do not lay your hand on the lad or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear and revere God, since you have not held back from Me or begrudged giving Me your son, your only son.

13 Then Abraham looked up and glanced around, and behold, behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up for a burnt offering and an ascending sacrifice instead of his son!  AMP

Deut 30:3 Then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion upon you and will gather you again from all the nations where He has scattered you.

PS 57:3 From heaven he will send a father’s help to save me. He will trample down those who trample me. Pause in his presence He will always show me love by his gracious and constant care. TPT

Ps 59:10 God in dependable love shows up on time, shows me my enemies in ruin.


1 Cor 3:17 No one will get by with vandalizing God’s temple, you can be sure of that. God’s temple is sacred — and you, remember, are the temple.  MSG


1 COR 3:17 Now, if someone desecratesGod’s inner sanctuary, God will desecrate him, for God’s inner sanctuary is holy, and that is exactly who you are. TPT

Phil 4:19 You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus.

20 Our God and Father abounds in glory that just pours out into eternity. Yes. MSG

Mark 13:20 If he let the days of trouble run their course, nobody would make it. But because of God’s chosen people, those he personally chose, he has already intervened. MSG 

Jer 21:2 “Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, has waged war against us. Pray to GOD for us. Ask him for help. Maybe GOD will intervene with one of his famous miracles and make him leave.”  MSG  VIDEO GOD INTERVINE2 B



It’s time to shout. “My blessings are on the way “. Whatever you proclaim in the new day of a new year will be that which will continue to flourish in the days ahead. We will shout out to God this day with a voice of triumph. Let us shout with joy the first day of 2021 and everyday after.

Deut 28:2 And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you if you heed the voice of the Lord your God.

3 Blessed shall you be in the city and blessed shall you be in the field.

4 Blessed shall be the fruit of your body and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your beasts, the increase of your cattle and the young of your flock.

5 Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading trough.

6 Blessed shall you be when you come in and blessed shall you be when you go out.

7 The Lord shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.

8 The Lord shall command the blessing upon you in your storehouse and in all that you undertake. And He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God gives you.

9 The Lord will establish you as a people holy to Himself, as He has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in His ways.

10 And all people of the earth shall see that you are called by the name [and in the presence of] the Lord, and they shall be afraid of you.

11 And the Lord shall make you have a surplus of prosperity, through the fruit of your body, of your livestock, and of your ground, in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you.

12 The Lord shall open to you His good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain of your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.

13 And the Lord shall make you the head, and not the tail; and you shall be above only, and you shall not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you this day and are watchful to do them. AMP


Deut 28:2 All these blessings will come down on you and spread out beyond you because you have responded to the Voice of God, your God:

3 God’s blessing inside the city, God’s blessing in the country;

4 God’s blessing on your children, the crops of your land, the young of your livestock,

the calves of your herds, the lambs of your flocks.

5 God’s blessing on your basket and bread bowl;

6 God’s blessing in your coming in, God’s blessing in your going out.

7 God will defeat your enemies who attack you. They’ll come at you on one road and run away on seven roads.

8 God will order a blessing on your barns and workplaces; he’ll bless you in the land that God, your God, is giving you.

9 God will form you as a people holy to him, just as he promised you, if you keep the commandments of God, your God, and live the way he has shown you.

10 All the peoples on Earth will see you living under the Name of God and hold you in respectful awe.

11 God will lavish you with good things: children from your womb, offspring from your animals, and crops from your land, the land that God promised your ancestors that he would give you.

12 God will throw open the doors of his sky vaults and pour rain on your land on schedule and bless the work you take in hand. You will lend to many nations but you yourself won’t have to take out a loan.

13 God will make you the head, not the tail; you’ll always be the top dog, never the bottom dog, as you obediently listen to and diligently keep the commands of God, your God, that I am commanding you today.   MSG

MK 11:9-10 Jesus rode in the center of the procession, with crowds going before him and behind him. They all shouted in celebration, “Bring the victory! We welcome the one coming with the blessings of being sent from the Lord Yahweh!

10 Blessings rest on this kingdom he ushers in right now—the kingdom of our father David! Bring us the victory in the highest realms of heaven!” TPT

Deut 30:19 I call Heaven and Earth to witness against you today: I place before you Life and Death, Blessing and Curse. Choose life so that you and your children will live. MSG

PS 84:6 Even when their paths wind through the dark valley of tears,
they dig deep to find a pleasant pool where others find only pain. He gives to them a brook of blessing filled from the rain of an outpouring. TPT

Ps 84:12 O Lord of hosts, blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts in You [leaning and believing on You, committing all and confidently looking to You, and that without fear or misgiving]! AMP

Ps 89:15-18 Blessed are the people who know the passwords of praise, who shout on parade in the bright presence of God.

16 Delighted, they dance all day long; they know who you are, what you do — they can’t keep it quiet!

17 Your vibrant beauty has gotten inside us — you’ve been so good to us! We’re walking on air!

18 All we are and have we owe to God, Holy God of Israel, our King!  MSG


PS 89:15-18 O Lord, how blessed are the people who experience the shout of worship, for they walk in the radiance of your presence.
16 We can do nothing but leap for joy all day long, for we know who you are and what you do, and you’ve exalted us on high.
17 The glory of your splendor is our strength, and your marvelous favor makes us even stronger, lifting us even higher!
18 You are our King, the holiest one of all; your wrap-around presence is our protection. TPT

Ps 127:2 It is vain for you to rise up early, to take rest late, to eat the bread of [anxious] toil — for He gives [blessings] to His beloved in sleep. AMP

PRO 3:33 The wicked walk under God’s constant curse, but godly lovers walk under a stream of his blessing, for they seek to do what is right. TPT

Prov 10:6 Blessings are upon the head of the [uncompromisingly] righteous (the upright, in right standing with God) but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.

7 The memory of the [uncompromisingly] righteous is a blessing, but the name of the wicked shall rot. AMP


PRO 10:6-7 The lover of God is enriched beyond belief, but the evil man only curses his luck.
The reputation of the righteous becomes a sweet memorial to him, while the wicked life only leaves a rotten stench.[ TPT

Ps 34:8 O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him. AMP


Ps 34:8 Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see — how good God is.

Blessed are you who run to him. MSG

Ps 118:26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; we bless you from the house of the Lord [you who come into His sanctuary under His guardianship]. AMP  ▼▼▼

PS 118:26 Blessed is this one who comes to us, the sent one of the Lord.
And from within the temple we cry, “We bless you!” TPT

PRO 29:18 When there is no clear prophetic vision people quickly wander astray.
But when you follow the revelation of the word, heaven’s bliss fills your soul. TPT

PS 47:1-4 For the Pure and Shining One, by the prophetic singers of Korah’s clan
A poetic song Go ahead and celebrate! Come on and clap your hands, everyone!
Shout to God with the raucous sounds of joy!
The Lord God Most High is astonishing, awesome beyond words! He’s the formidable and powerful King over all the earth.
He’s the one who conquered the nations before us and placed them all under our feet.
He’s marked out our inheritance ahead of time, putting us in the front of the line, honoring Jacob, the one he loves. Pause in his presence TPT

Ps 5:11 But let all those who take refuge and put their trust in You rejoice; let them ever sing and shout for joy, because You make a covering over them and defend them; let those also who love Your name be joyful in You and be in high spirits.  AMP

PS 20:5-7 When you succeed, we will celebrate and shout for joy. Flags will fly when victory is yours! Yes, God will answer your prayers and we will praise him!
I know God gives me all that I ask for and brings victory to his anointed king.
My deliverance cry will be heard in his holy heaven. By his mighty hand miracles will manifest through his saving strength.
Some find their strength in their weapons and wisdom, but my miracle deliverance can never be won by men. Our boast is in the Lord our God, who makes us strong and gives us victory! TPT

Ps 35:27 Let those who favor my righteous cause and have pleasure in my uprightness shout for joy and be glad and say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, Who takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.

28 And my tongue shall talk of Your righteousness, rightness, and justice, and of [my reasons for] Your praise all the day long.  AMP


PS 35:27-28 But let all my true friends shout for joy, all those who know and love what I do for you. Let them all say, “The Lord is great, and he delights in the prosperity of his servant.”
28 Then I won’t be able to hold it in—everyone will hear my joyous praises all day long! Your righteousness will be the theme of my glory-song of praise! TPT

Prov 10:22 The blessing of the Lord — it makes [truly] rich, and He adds no sorrow with it [neither does toiling increase it].  AMP

Ps 71:23 My lips shall shout for joy when I sing praises to You, and my inner being, which You have redeemed.  AMP

Ps 81:1 SING ALOUD to God our Strength! Shout for joy to the God of Jacob!  AMP

Rev 19:1 AFTER THIS I heard what sounded like a mighty shout of a great crowd in heaven, exclaiming, Hallelujah (praise the Lord)! Salvation and glory (splendor and majesty) and power (dominion and authority) [belong] to our God!  AMP

Rev 19:6 After that I heard what sounded like the shout of a vast throng, like the boom of many pounding waves, and like the roar of terrific and mighty peals of thunder, exclaiming, Hallelujah (praise the Lord)! For now the Lord our God the Omnipotent (the All-Ruler) reigns!  AMP

Deut 12:7 Feast there in the Presence of God, your God. Celebrate everything that you and your families have accomplished under the blessing of God, your God. MSG